Matte Painter | Texture Artist | Concept Artist

22 Racing Series

Game Texture

Currently under development, 22 is an eSport online racing series with an environmental conscience.
Set in the 22nd century, advanced vehicle design and development is now simulated, tested and iterated wholly online. Racers live on the front lines of the technology mindscape, piloting vehicles and outfitting components directly from manufacturer’s design and engineering departments and, in turn, feed their race performance data back to the manufacturers. This new rapid Design-Test-Iterate closed loop pipeline has advanced technology faster, cheaper and more efficiently than the 21st century could have dreamed.
Unique challenges await competitors in 22. The extreme and unpredictable weather events of the 22nd century favour adaptable and modular energy capture and combustion design to best maximise energy capture while mitigating the pitfalls unique to each weather event type.